There are three opportunities for candidates to engage with the VRGP

1) Expression of Interest

Potential trainees who aspire to a career as a Rural Generalist (including medical students) can submit an online Expression of Interest to the VRGP. The VRGP team will make contact with you to further explore your interest.

2) Direct Entry RG1

Potential trainees can enter the VRGP as a RG1 (Intern). There are RG1 positions located across rural Victoria. Potential trainees seeking entry to the program as a RG1 are required to meet the selection criteria. Applications for Direct Entry into RG1 are made through the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) Victorian Rural Preferential Allocation (VRPA) as a part of the Victorian Intern Match.

3) Lateral Entry

Potential trainees can enter the VRGP through lateral entry at the following stages:

  • RG2 (PGY2)
  • RG Advanced
  • Primary Care terms while training towards GP/RG fellowship
  • Existing FRACGP who wish to obtain the FARGP

Candidates seeking entry to the program are required to meet the selection criteria. Places for Lateral Entry may be limited by post availability.

RG1 Timeline 2023

TimelineKey Dates
Registration opens8 May - 10am
Registration closes8 June - 5pm
Video interviews (this will be the only form of assessment)9 June 10am - 11 June 5pm
Final day to reorder preferences or withdraw2 July - 5pm
VRPA (RG1) Results Published19 July

RG2 Match Timeline 2023

TimelineKey Dates
Pre-Match opens17 April
Pre-Match closes26 June
Match Opens24 July
Match Closes11 August
Assessment and Interview Period14 August-3 September
Offers Published15 September

RG Advanced Match 2023

TimelineKey Dates
Match Applications Open3 July
Match Applications Close19 July
Video Interviews21 July 10am - 23 July 5pm
Health Service assessment25 July to 18 August
Offers published1 September