What is the VRGP?

VRGP offers trainees the certainty of a defined and supported training pathway in the region of their choice all the way through to Fellowship, through funded positions, coordination and support. VRGP is not a direct provider of training.

VRGP Benefits of VRGP Program infographic

RG1 & RG2

The RG1 and RG2 training pathway is a training model where trainees are based in a rural setting with rotations that include general practice or community settings and regional and sub-regional health services.

RG Advanced

Rural Generalists (RG) train with a specific skillset to meet the unique needs of the communities in which they practice. All Rural Generalists must obtain an advanced skill in a specific discipline as part of their Fellowship training.

RG Consolidation

The Rural Generalist Consolidation (RGC) program enables rural medical practitioners who have completed procedural advanced skills training with opportunities to maintain, refresh or update their advanced skills to transition to becoming independent Rural Generalists.

Training pathways

All program participants must demonstrate rural career intentions and be enrolled in (or intending to enrol) with ACRRM or RACGP FARGP-RG training or have current registration as a General Practitioner.